Minimal environmental impact with indoor cultivation...
Just as the tractor once revolutionized agriculture, the …
Aquaponics: how gases help advance sustainable...
Aquaponics is a form of sustainable agriculture that …

Locally grown, sustainable food for the future
With the ever-increasing challenge of feeding our rapidly growing global …

Carbon dioxide from nature’s own cycle becomes...
In Lantmännen Agroetanol’s refinery in Norrköping, some 600,000 tons of grain …

Industrial gas digitalization: Linde leads the way
Drawing on more than a century of innovation in the Nordic region, Linde …

Advancing CO2-free combustion
The Linde Combustion Technology Center allows Linde to work together with …

Hydrogen fuel can help steel industry reduce...
Successful tests by steelmaker Ovako together with Linde show that hydrogen …